More FREE ebooks! Digital Book Day has been EXTENDED for another 24 hours!
by Colby R Rice | Jul 15, 2014 | Afro Futurism, Apocalyptic, Children's, Dieselpunk, Dystopian, Epic Fantasy / High Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Fantasy Thriller, Historical Fantasy, Horror, Independent (Indie) Publishing, Marketing & Selling, Middle Grade / MG, My Fiction, New Adult, Novels, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Post-apocalyptic, Sci-fi Thriller / Science Fiction Thriller, Short Stories & Writing Shorts, Space Opera, Steampunk, Technothriller, Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult / YA, Zombie |
DIGITAL BOOK DAY has been EXTENDED for another 24 hours!!

Apparently, this promotion is so hott and so internet-destroying that we had to extend it just so that you all had more time to get all the books you wanted!
So yeah, again, we 407 bestselling indie authors in the genres of Sci-fi & Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Romance, YA, General / Historical Fiction, and Non-Fiction all got together and asked:
“HM! How do we make our readers even MORE mega happy?”.
And we answered, “FREE STUFF for yet ANOTHER DAY!”
So, yes. 407 FREE books all for your summer reading pleasure, my friends. Check us out by clicking the banner above or clicking HERE, and enjoy!
Time’s limited, though, so get your free ebooks before midnight tonight (07/15)!
P.S. This promotion is so hott and getting so popular that the Digital Book Day website occasionally conks out. Please be patient and keep visiting for your free books!
Happy reading, and of course, keep it indie!
<3 Colby