writing updates collage


Not really too much to say here. The week started off strong, as usual, and then it relaxed. A lot. But not in a bad way. Spent some more great time with family, and that felt awesome, especially since I’ll be moving back across country in about 50 days! :*-( This lax work week did help me to get some cool stuff done, but it also helped me to take this creative journey of mine in stride. Recharged my batteries, got a boost of inspiration… all was well.

Fam visits are over, though, so it’s time to continue the slow haul up the Hill of Manuscript Completion, lol. Wish me luck! This is what went down and what’s goin’ down in Colby’s world:


What I wrote: More of The Iron Maiden. Getting down to the wire here. CAN SHE DO IT?! Yep. 😉

What I edited: My website got a brief scrub, but I’m not done yet! Of all the things I wanted to do last week, I was able to create a new favicon for my website. The webpages are still cached, so you might not see the new favicon yet, but it’ll come soon! Also, I did some branding work on my other (top secret) pen name. Maybe one day I’ll reveal it here, but that’s at least another year or so off in the future.

What I read / watched / listened to: Finished reading “Lifelong Writing Habit” by Chris Fox. Check out my review of it here! I also binge-watched Season 1 of How to Get Away with Murder, and i’m just two episodes short of finishing it… Needless to say, I’m HOOKED, and LOVING the amazing writing for this series!

What I researched / developed: Didn’t do much research this week, but I DID come up with another unique IP to add to my project slate! A YA action-thriller trilogy, the idea for which I LOVE.

What I learned: Um, to relax? Spend time with fam? Again? Lol. Yeah, this week (unexpectedly) was a vacay week from school as well. Seems I needed a little more time to recuperate than I thought! But family visits are over for at least another month, so I’m plowing through this time.


What I’m writing: Focusing on The Iron Maiden and the marketing materials package for it. I’m just “writing to done” on both of these for the next month or so. I’m also developing a “21 Days to Falling BACK in Love with Your Art” blog series, to premiere here and on The Bohemian Badass. Just, feels. I have a lot of general thoughts and feels about this topic that I’d like to post about on the blog soon… just trying to clear off my plate first!

What I’m editing: I’m aiming to get a few things done for my website this week, including:

  • Creating a favicon for my author website
  • Enabling “Rich Pins” for my author pinterest profile
  • Creating a strong “featured image” brand for all of my blog posts
  • Creating a strong “featured image” brand for all of my book reviews
  • Condensing my BOOKS page into one easily navigable page
  • Fixing the pathway to make it easier for you to get free books

We’ll see how much of this I actually get done, lol!

What I’m reading / watching / listening to: Still on Mockingjay. The fact that this book is going so slowly for me pretty much speaks volumes about my interest, but it’s ok! I’m glad I’m not reading the Hunger Games series while the hype is still at a fever pitch, otherwise, I might feel more socially amped about the book than I do personally It’s still a great read; it’s just not “gripping” me the way I enjoy. ALSO still reading The Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson, but this is more because it was accidentally replaced by the Lifelong Writing Habits book last week, lol. So let’s try this again!

What I’m researching / developing: I’m actually not sure about that for this week. The world for The Books of Ezekiel, probably. As I mentioned last week, I’m also thinking I want to start migrating The Books of Ezekiel world (as well as the OTHER worlds I’m building) to a physical “space”. Series-specific binders, a fantasy world bookshelf, and such. But I sort of want to wait until after I move to do that work. In the meantime, I guess I’ll just start collating everything digitally.

What I’m learning: DEFINITELY restarting my creative indie schooling this week, though I’m going to take it slowly and enjoy the process. So it’s “Your First 10K Readers” for this week and the next few weeks. Alongside that, I’ll probably be doing another series of smaller courses, TBD.

Writing on, rocking on, and forever journeying towards creative badassery,
<3 Colby

ColbyRRice Initials Logo Favicon-Recovered