writing updates collage


Every time I sat down to write this, I kind of groaned, because this week? I’m just not feeling it. Lol! The week itself has been pretty good, and I usually looove writing these posts, but there’s sort an eau-de-sans-fucks around me this week, lol.

Probably because I’ve been slowing down a bit recently. By choice. Sampling some of the sweeter things that life has to offer aside from work, like spending oodles of time with my friends, and going out for ice cream, and hanging out around town, just to name a few things! Lots of abundance and luck has come my way too, which is so lovely and relieving after a challenging (but still awesome) summer.

So I’m super SUPER grateful.

As per my goals I mentioned in my last post, I’ve transitioned into a very loose half-and-half schedule, wherein half my time is given to writing and story development of my novels and creative projects and the other half of my time is given to developing courses, blog posts, and epic content for The Bohemian Badass business. I’ve also started, in a SUPER small way, gearing up for opening the film production arm of Rebel Ragdoll, Rebel Ragdoll Productions. That won’t happen until about Jan 2017, but I’m doing teeny tiny little things between now and then to make the opening of RRP more seamless.

In general, though, I’ve chosen to slow down a bit and be more flexible to all the things happening this year. This is especially important as the days tick down to the start of a brand new MFA grad program, teaching job, and career direction, lol. Plus writing novels. Plus trying to grow the media empire. Plus creative projects, side gigs, and applying for scholarships. Plus creative hobbies. Plus taking care of health. Plus toddler. Plus my awesome, amazing FRIENDS! Cuz they rock.

Did I mention that now I’m teaching not just one class this semester, but that I’m now teaching TWO? Whaaaa, lol! How’d that happen? 😉 Lordt! I need to be delivered, lol!! But I’m super excited about this. The classes sound amazing. And I’m strongly considering taking Russian this semester, which is SO exciting!

Soo, yeah. ANYWAYS. I am still keeping all my goals front and center, but I realize that I also have to whittle them down a bit. For one, I think I’ll only be able to publish two books (The Iron Maiden and Blood & Ink) this year, and maybe just three more courses in addition to the ones I have (TBA).

I’m working towards my goals every day, so I know I’ll get there eventually. I’ve been talking a lot about my novels and my novel projects, especially The Transcendent Trilogies Project, with a really great friend of mine (and brilliant creative mind). I realized that I really want to have a body of work (both in novels and in film) that I’m proud of. That asks and addresses important social and philosophical questions. That drives sci-fi and fantasy in new directions. That conducts its own thought experiments. That puts kick-ass women of different colors, genders, abilities, sexualities, experiences, etc., at the forefront of their own destinies. That’s high-octane, action-packed, sharp, smart, and revolutionary. And that’s well-written and evolves our use of the English language. That gives back to the craft of writing and wordsmithery in at least some small way.

It takes time. But that’s what I want to do. One day at a time, right? 😉 Anyways, if you can’t tell from the post, I’m giddy and happy and content, so let’s end this gushy stuff and talk about:

LAST WEEK’S HAUL (8/1/16 – 8/7/16)

What I wrote: NADA. Well, I wrote, but I didn’t increase my word count at all. But I plotted the fuck out of The Iron Maiden using these new tools I developed (for my Plot Like a Badass course, coming out early next year)! And the results have been INCREDIBLE. I’ve learned that I’m super strong on Act I and Act IIA, but Acts IIB and Act III come kinda harder for me. But with practice, I know things will keep improving! As a side note, this also means that The Iron Maiden is going to be longer than expected. But I think that’s ok. This is epic urban fantasy, so I think that’s totally fine. Sorry for the wait, guys! But trust me, it’ll be well worth it! 🙂

One major lesson learned, though? NEVER debut in your writing career with an epic fantasy multiple POV novel series unless you plan on spending at LEAST 5-6 years to get off the ground, lol. These tomes take time! Just a warning. 😉

What I read / watched / listened to: FINISHED The Blacklist, woot! Didn’t read so much this week, except industry-related blogs posts and informative emails and the like. I also got through most of the second season of How to Get Away with Murder, and I’m, like, in love with Wes Gibbons / Alfred Enoch, lol.

What I researched / developed: Mostly plotting for The Iron Maiden. And I did a bit of research on filmmaking and film financing. Planting those seeds for Rebel Ragdoll Productions!

What I learned this week: Instead of the typical ONE larger class, I sat two! Plus I took a really fat, hefty, 3.5+ hour masterclass by Regina Anaejionu which just destroyed me in all the best ways. Here are the listings and links for the courses, if you’re interested! (No affiliate links here, I promise!) 🙂

  • Supermom Sanity by Mariana Ruiz: basically a pretty awesome introduction to Trello, a program that has really changed my life. The course not only introduces you to this system, but Mariana also gives you a few great ways to launch your lifestyle business using Trello as well!
  • How to Sell Your Film on Facebook by Arel Avellino at Film Thrive: a GREAT little course to help give you an inside look as to the NEW way of distributing and selling films! The best part is that all of these channels are readily accessible for all filmmakers nowadays, and that’s pretty darn cool.
  • Monetize and Market Your Mind by Regina Anaejionu: a big fat mega masterclass on how to become an inforpreneur in your own area of expertise!

THIS WEEK’S HUSTLE (8/8/16 – 8/14/16)

What I’m writing: Still more plotting and writing for The Iron Maiden.

What I’m reading / watching / listening to: Finishing up How to Get Away with Murder, and then, I’m not sure which series I’m going to start next. I’m thinking “Stranger Things”, but I also want to watch Mr. Robot!!! Decisions, decisions.

What I’m researching / developing: Probably more around the world of The Books of Ezekiel, though I’d really like to move onto my other two fiction projects as well. So we’ll see what happens!

What I’m learning: I honestly haven’t chosen any courses for this week quite yet. I’m trying to aim low and small this week, and then do a course detox next week before my classes start! 🙂

Aah! So I’m pretty good. Need a little more sleep, but no complaints here! What about you? How are your projects going? Any major or minor victories you wanna share? If so, leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

Writing on, rocking on, and forever journeying towards creative badassery,
<3 Colby

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