Long Night Moon by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

SM Reine does it again! Long Night Moon is a great next chapter in the “Seasons of the Moon” YA urban fantasy series that Reine has built, and as with the other two novels, I was HIGHLY entertained.

In terms of plot, “Long Night Moon” wasn’t nearly as suspenseful as its predecessors, BUT the book certainly develops the larger world of the werewolf in a wonderful way. We get to see, bit by bit, who is actually a part of this world, and it’s not JUST werewolves! We also get to see all the challenges that werewolves, especially Rylie, has to deal with, especially in terms of dealing with the human side vs. the wolf side.

Reine does an excellent job of bringing a lot of humanity to her characters, and she’s also great at following human logic and natural reactions to the weird happenings around town. She’s also not afraid to trouble the relationships and loyalties of her characters, and that always makes for super engaging, never predictable dynamics surrounding love, loyalty, duty, and friendship.

Long Night Moon, as well as the “Seasons of the Moon” series in general is a great YA series, and I’m super excited to pass it on to my daughter when she gets old enough!



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Rock on, read on,
<3 Colby