Many people find it difficult to budget for big unexpected costs like medical bills. This is particularly the case with writers, who often live on an irregular income. Even with health insurance in place, it’s still easy to be caught out by high deductibles or...
Some parents have to really work hard to get their children to focus on their education. And that’s not all that surprising — in fact, that’s the experience that most parents have! However, some parents have a different experience. If you have a child that seems...
If you’re looking to become a more capable and handy person around the home, the kind that can make all kinds of repairs and even restyle it at your own whim, then DIY is a skill that’s essential to learn. A lot of people learn DIY by taking on several small jobs,... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThis quarter has been insane, high-speed, and exhausting… but it’s also been amazing, exhilarating, and... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHAPPY NEW YEAR, my creative lovelies! Yes. I am very very late, and that is for a GOOD reason… that I’ll... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWow, so what a year it has been. In 2020, we got a whole pandemic, quarantine, riots, burning buildings, and a whole... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Wow, so it’s been three and a half months since I’ve posted, but that’s because I’ve been... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSooo, ya girl opened a fashion boutique! Rebel Ragdoll Boutique. And I’m releasing a cosmetics line too, called Rebel...
Modern-day faxing is carried out via computers, rather than the traditional units and phone-up services used in the past. But what should you consider when choosing a fax provider and how do you ensure this is a job done effectively? You need to consider security and... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHappy Birthday to me, siiiiiiiiissss! Wow, I made it, and I’m so amped about the possibilities for the rest of...