by Colby R Rice | Apr 14, 2014 | Afro Futurism, Independent (Indie) Publishing, Marketing & Selling, Novels, Pre-Launch & Author Preparation, Writing & Editing
Ready for a cosmic experience in Afrofuturistic storytelling? Jump on the mothership and join your fellow crew members! As promised, here are the authors participating in the Butler-Banks Black Sci-Fi Book Tour (in alphabetical order)! Don’t miss it. We’ve...
by Colby R Rice | Apr 14, 2014 | Afro Futurism, Marketing & Selling, Novels, Pre-Launch & Author Preparation
So, as I mentioned in my last post, TODAY is the DAY! Get ready to be introduced to some amazing sci-fi, fantasy, and horror writers of the African diaspora in: The Butler-Banks Blog Tour! If you aren’t familiar, this tour is where my blog (and 15 other blogs)...
by Colby R Rice | Apr 2, 2014 | My Fiction, Pre-Launch & Author Preparation, Reviews
Hey guys! So, I am so so sorry for the lag in posts! It seems that while I want to build up my blog site as much as humanly possible, life ALWAYS gets in the way. Moving to another state, getting acclimated, and then falling pregnant (and being sick during first...